I want to define a generic interface to monad and being capable of
implementing all kind of monads without to rewrite generic functions that
are same for all.
I would like to have something equivalent of this in OCAML :
my attempt :
abst@ype monad_t (a: t@ype)
typedef monad (a, b:t@ype) = '{
bind = (monad_t(a), a - monad_t(b)) -> monad_t(b)
, return = (b) -> monad_t(b)
typedef monad_ext(a, b: t@ype) = '{
bind = (monad_t(a), a - monad_t(b)) -> monad_t(b)
, return = (b) -> monad_t(b)
, fmap = (a - b, monad_t(a)) - monad_t(b)
, lift = (a - b, monad_t(a)) - monad_t(b)
fun{a, b: t@ype} new_ext_monad(mm: monad(a, b)): monad_ext(a, b) = let
fun fmap(f:a - b, m: monad_t(a)): monad_t(b) =
mm.bind(m, lam (x: a): monad_t(b) = mm.return(f x))
in '{
bind = mm.bind
, return = mm.return
, fmap= fmap
, lift = fmap
} end
assume monad_t(a: t@ype) = Option a
fun{a, b: t@ype} new_maybe_monad(): monad(a, b) =
bind = lam (v: Option a, f: (a - Option b)): Option b =>
case+ v of
| Some x => f x
| None => none()
, return= lam (x: b): Option b => Some x
} where {
fun{a: t@ype} none(): Option a = None
fun test_maybe(): void = let
val m = new_ext_monad(new_maybe_monad<int, int>())
infixl (+) >>=
fun >>= (c: Option int, mf: int - Option int): Option
int =
m.bind(c, mf)
val v = m.lift(lam(x: int): int = x+3, m.return(2)) >>=
(lam(x: int): Option int = m.return(x*2))
case+ v of
| Some x => printf(“value is %i\n”, @(x))
| None => ()
It is working for this simple monad but if I try to implement the state
monad of the ocaml example I cannot figure out how to implement the monad
interface due to the additionnal b type of state I presume:
typedef state_t (a:t@ype, b:t@ype) = b - (a, b)
assume monad_t(a: t@ype) = [b:t@ype] state_t(a, b)
fun{a, b, c: t@ype}
new_state_monad(): monad(a,b) = ‘{
bind= lam (m: state_t(a, c)(* HERE first error *), f: (a -
state_t(b, c))): state_t(b, c) => l where {
fun l(s:c): (b, c) = let
val (x, s’) = m s
val m’ = f x
in m’ s’ end
, return= lam(x: a): state_t(a,b) => lam (s:b): (a,b) = @(x, s)
I have many errors :
mismatch of static terms (tyleq):
The needed term is: S2Efun(clo(-1); 0; 0; S2Evar(c(2591)); S2Etyrec(flt; 0;
0=S2Evar(a(2589)), 1=S2Evar(c(2591))))
The actual term is: S2Eexi(b$34(2592); ; S2Eapp(S2Ecst(state_t);
S2Evar(a(2589)), S2Evar(b$34(2592))))
Any advice ?
thanks a lot