I took a quick look.
The style you use is the standard functional style.
Once you are done, you could try something along the following line.
In ATS, a simpler and more efficient way is to use the following type
for a parser:
typedef parser (t(token), a(ast)) = (&pstate(t) >> _) - a
where pstate is for the current state of parsing. You could imagine that
pstate contains the input and also information for reporting error messages.
In the case of a parsing failure, an exception is raised. I have an
project following what is outlined above:
If you do not like exceptions, then use
typedef parser (t(token), a(ast)) = (&pstate(t) >> _) -
So a parser is very much like a state monad.
Later, we could have linear parsers:
parser(a, t) = PARSER(int(ref-count), &pstate(t) >> _) - a)
This makes it fairly straightforward to free parsers constructed during
An example of reference counting can be found in the Locking and Unlocking
at the bottom of the ATS Intro book:
http://ats-lang.sourceforge.net/DOCUMENT/INT2PROGINATS/HTML/INT2PROGINATS-BOOK.htmlOn Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 12:08:59 PM UTC-5, Cyrille Duret wrote:
I see how long is the path to ATS enlightenment
My first attempt to define a simple parser combinator without any
dependent nor linear feature : #include "share/atspre_staload.hats"#include "share/HATS/atspre_staload_libats - Pastebin.com
By now I just defined string and seq combinators.
I will add some useful ones such as regex (using pcre), many, any, etc…
One can compile it with :
$ curl “http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=vBbDFxzJ” > test_parser_ML.dats
$ patscc -DATS_MEMALLOC_GCBDW -o test_parser_ML test_parser_ML.dats -lgc
My inspiration are both from C++ and javascript world :
I understand now it is better to create the “ML” version first, then
modify it progressively to add linear types and dependent types step by
My question is : can we mix some code using garbage collection and linear
type in the same program ?
In that case what would be the compilation command line ?
Le jeudi 15 janvier 2015 20:58:34 UTC+1, gmhwxi a écrit :
Well, I think this is a bit like playing a music instrument.
Practice is needed. Before one could play, say, Chopin, one needs to try
playing a lot of simpler pieces
There is no “magic” in typechecking in ATS. To use advanced features
in ATS effectively, one really needs to know how a program is
On Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 11:08:39 AM UTC-5, Cyrille Duret wrote:
thanks Artyom,
I see dependent types can be really hard with imperative code.
Le mardi 13 janvier 2015 10:29:30 UTC+1, Artyom Shalkhakov a écrit :
Hello Cyrille,
On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 11:41:15 PM UTC+6, Cyrille Duret wrote:
I am still trying to implement my parser combinator and I have big
troubles with dependent types because some structures are mutated and some
closures are reused.
Code is at :
Basically in this sample, the count_dvt acts like a stream and can be
modified when some data consumed. (follows this pattern :
And action_vt acts like a combinator. It defines some actions to be
done on count_dvt.
Why are you using indexed datatypes here? Could you drop the indices? I
guess you’ve extracted the code from a larger program where the indices
were necessary for something.
Here’s the same thing sans indexes:
What is hard is I want action_vt to be used any number of times and
count_dvt to be mutable at any point.
You could implement a function for explicitly duplicating/sharing the
linear value:
fun dup_count_vt (count: !count_dvt): count_dvt
And use it any time you want to get one more reference to the data
Internally, such a function would either do a deep copy of the passed
in argument (no refcounting is needed in this case), or it would bump the
refcount (if refcounting is used). Note that in the former case, mutation
doesn’t “propagate” to the copies (which is probably not what you want).
Hope this helps.
Any advices to make it works ?