ATS2-0.0.5 released

Hi, there,

I am glad to announce the release of ATS2-0.0.5.

See the following list for the added features and also bug-fixes.
Also, ats2-contrib has been upgraded to version-0.0.4.



This is the fifth release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:

ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:

Major releases of ATS2 are available at:

Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:

Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

  1. Fixing a glitch in initializing flat boxed-singleton records
    (see doc/BUGS/bug-2013-11-29)
  2. Adding support for jsonizing level-2 syntax trees; this is planned
    for support tasks like meta-programming, constraint-exporting, etc.
  3. Adding support for exporting constraints gathered during typechecking
    (command-line flag for this feature: --constraint-export)
  4. Fixing bug-2013-12-04 (erroneous compilation of pattern matching)
  5. Adding a direct API for the json-c package
  6. Adding a direct API for the jansson package
  7. Adding a minimal API for the pcre package
  8. Adding support for ‘static’ dynamic constant declarations:
    static fun foo (…): res // this one is equivalent to the next one
    extern fun foo (…): res = “sta#” // it is equivalent to the above one
  9. Improving support for exporting ATS-types to C
  10. Requiring that each declared toplevel function be envless; closures
    need to be declared as values.
  11. Supporting the flag -CSignore for patscc to ignore constraint-solving.
    Please use it only with proper justification!

Congratulations!On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8:18:10 PM UTC-8, gmhwxi wrote:

Hi, there,

I am glad to announce the release of ATS2-0.0.5.

See the following list for the added features and also bug-fixes.
Also, ats2-contrib has been upgraded to version-0.0.4.



Date: January 15, 2014

This is the fifth release of ATS2, the successor of the ATS
programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given the name
ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:

ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:

GitHub - githwxi/ATS-Postiats: ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates

Major releases of ATS2 are available at:

ats2-lang download |

Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:

ats2-lang-contrib download |

Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

  1. Fixing a glitch in initializing flat boxed-singleton records
    (see doc/BUGS/bug-2013-11-29)
  2. Adding support for jsonizing level-2 syntax trees; this is planned
    for support tasks like meta-programming, constraint-exporting, etc.
  3. Adding support for exporting constraints gathered during typechecking
    (command-line flag for this feature: --constraint-export)
  4. Fixing bug-2013-12-04 (erroneous compilation of pattern matching)
  5. Adding a direct API for the json-c package
  6. Adding a direct API for the jansson package
  7. Adding a minimal API for the pcre package
  8. Adding support for ‘static’ dynamic constant declarations:
    static fun foo (…): res // this one is equivalent to the next one
    extern fun foo (…): res = “sta#” // it is equivalent to the above one
  9. Improving support for exporting ATS-types to C
  10. Requiring that each declared toplevel function be envless; closures
    need to be declared as values.
  11. Supporting the flag -CSignore for patscc to ignore constraint-solving.
    Please use it only with proper justification!


It seems the download page hasn’t been updated. Just FYI.


Fixed it. Thanks!On Friday, February 7, 2014 12:47:25 PM UTC-5, Janus Troelsen wrote:


It seems the download page hasn’t been updated. Just FYI.
