ATS support in Pure

Before I read Pure’s docs, I would like to ask a question.

It seems like it is trivial to use Pure to run C code. I would like to
have an interpreter for ATS running on the server-side. The atscc2js
compiler does not handle pointers, so I need something else.
I am not so concerned with efficiency. Being easy to do is my first
priority. Is Pure a good candidate for this kind of thing?

Thanks!On Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:59:44 PM UTC-4, Barry Schwartz wrote:

Since everyone is discussing new ways to use ATS, IDEs and so forth, I
thought I might point out I have an outstanding pull request for
inline ATS code support at Probably no one
there has become aware of it, though I am in no hurry to remedy
that. :slight_smile: It’s also pasted as a patch at Inline ATS support for Pure -

Presumably it is more interesting to ATS users than to Pure users. I
have occasionally found Pure useful, in particular, for trying out a C
or Fortran subroutine with little effort.

i don’t grok this thread entirely, but since somebody mentioned a
scheme that can call c, how about Racket?